I want everyone talking about

Let’s take your work and Make it Matter by using a surprising strategy: presentations.

Why being called “unprofessional” in academia is a sign you’re (probably) on the right track.

There’s a claim floating around about how creating visually engaging presentations that are easy to understand (and fun to watch) is “unprofessional” (or not the speaker’s responsibility).

Here’s why that’s wrong. So very, very wrong.

I want your idea to cause such a big ripple effect that people will still be talking about it 100 years from now.

Let’s work together to MAKE IT MATTER

We’re going to use powerful presentations to help turn your idea into something that people can’t get out of their heads (and lasts generations).

Why you still hate your own presentations + why focusing on dataviz is a mistake

You’ve been trying to make better presentations for a while and don’t know why you’re still falling flat.

A lot of people focus on data visualization hoping that’s the secret to making presentations that don’t overwhelm or bore people to death.

Well, here’s what’s missing:

What can we accomplish together?

Dr. Isabel García Valdivia shows what her slides looked like before working with me, after completing training, and then after working with me 1:1.

I’ve worked with and/or trained people from…

1,000+ individuals from universities, nonprofits, industry (or entrepreneurs running their company) have taken my professional development training or worked with me 1:1.

I’d love to work with you or be part of your professional development journey.